Christian Fabbi, Italy
Frederica Rossi and Giliola Belli Italy
Nicolette De Gooijer, the Netherlands
Susanne Qval Wold
Andreas Forsberg
Ing-Marie Christenson
Sweden has 24 mobilities, Italy has 20, Holland has 24
The project starts now with a start conference of two days and ends with the reports in the middle of 2010.
The school visits: important to see the whole school day.
Making presentation of the schools in the first morning. , school system, values of working.
Monday to Friday, or maybe Sunday to Sunday because of the values to put everything in each countries context.
Best practice book for teachers and politicans.
For today and for tomorrow we need to plan the visits and make a time schedule, plan the organisation of the visits, find out focus questions connected to title, programme of the visits (big lines, What does the welcoming country do?, economy, eTwinning
Inclusive and democratic education
Where is it visible?
- the morning assembly; a period in wich the children discuss what they are going to do or focusing in different topics
- little group activities
- messages between the children, in drawings, texts, art
- assembly before lunch, the children hav the opportunity to share their thoughts
- documentation of process, how and why?
The teachers who are visiting the schools are going to focus on the questions:
-How is the pre-school presented to you?
-What educational practice have you observed and what are your reflections about that?
- What ideas and opinions fo godd practice or improvements based on experiences from the sudy visit, will you express through feedback?
All partners will contribute with:
- showing and present their pre-school
-during stages and visits organize meetings for feedback, discussion and evaluation
-sharing methods and approach of their educational wokr processes.
-to give and recieve feedback from each other in order to increase and improve the quality of education in the preschool.
One question is if it's important to visit the schools of the participants and if it should be the same persons who visit each other? The group thinks it is important because a good relation will help. So if it's possible they want it to be the same persons. For instance, if I visit a school in Holland, the teacher I'm with there will later on come to my school.
Schedule of the visits:
Sunday is a travelling day.
Monday: short presentation of the pre-school and the school system. And after that visit the pre-school. In the afternoon a deeper presentation.
Tuesday to Friday: Observation in the morning or afternoon, and the rest of the day reflection/feedback/writing evaluation.
We had a discussion about how to handle the visits. It's difficult for the school in Holland to take too many visitors in one time because the school is so small.
To visit Italy, the best time is in February-March or November, to Sweden it's February-May or September-November, to Holland it's February-April or In November.
The first visit is to the Netherlands in February 2009; 6 from sWeden and 4 from Italy, then Sweden in May 2009; 9 from Italy and 4 from the Netherlands. After that Italy in November 2009; 6 from Sweden and 4 from the Netherlands, the Netherlands in February 2010; 6 from Sweden and 5 from Italy, to Italy in March 2010 4 people from the Netherlands (open to Sweden as well if there is any money left) and then in Sweden in May in 2010; 5 from the Netherlands
The coordinators will meet in Sweden 2 times and in November 2009 in Italy.
måndag, november 24, 2008
Comenius project, KärraRödbo, Göteborg
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