Har testat Google Maps en del. Har lyckats med att lägga in olika platser och skriva kommentarer, men skulle vilja kunna lägga till bilder, filmer mm också. Någon som kan?
Visa större karta
torsdag, mars 13, 2008
Google Maps
Posted by Ingus at 11:27 1 comments
tisdag, mars 04, 2008
Frukostmöte, Hjärntorget
Jeff Cobb, Learning 2.0, eBook for free.
Sir Ken Robinson, an interesting movie.
Verktyg för lärande:
- podcasting
- bloggar
- video on demand
- photo-and slide-sharing
- virtuella världar
- sociala bokmärken
- wikis
- sociala nätverk
Det finns redan ramavtal på vissa delar. Andra delar skulle kunna köpas skolspecifikt och vissa tas in från det som finns ute på Internet. Websphare, Lotus-mail, procapita, Gerda, wiki, blogg...
Posted by Ingus at 08:41 0 comments
måndag, mars 03, 2008
PDW Oslo
The students from the Media Programme on Nesudden upper secondary school has published pictures and movies on: http://www.nesoddenmk.org/elev/EtwinningNVGS/Engelsk/Pages/Products.html
Posted by Ingus at 10:56 0 comments
Labels: etwinning, europasamarbete, oslo, pdw
söndag, mars 02, 2008
Closing session. The teacher: artist, bureaucrat, coach – or something else?
Inge Eidsvåg, the Nansen Academy UNESCO: Since war is created in the head of men, we must make peace in the head of men… The school can be used or misused. In a changing society we need to have a changing school… A peaceful world must start with the child. The difference between a good school and a bad one is the teacher. Nothing is learned which is not loved! (Augustin) The teacher must be a life-long learner to keep his/her interest. To be a good teacher you must love the children. You see the world as it is and ask why? I see the world as it could be and ask why not? (George Bernard Shaw)
Posted by Ingus at 12:19 0 comments
Labels: etwinning, europasamarbete, oslo, pdw
Learners voice Audacity: free software. You need a computer and a microphone. Don't forget to use pod-safe music. We made a small podcast and published it on http://www.andeducation.co.uk/Loudblog/ Navigating the Portal 3 levels to eTwinning Portal Level 1: Information, ideas, examples. Sign up for eTwinning Level 2: Private to individual – My desktop. Find partner, discuss your partnership Level 3: Private to the parnetrship – Twinspace. Work together, Progress Card, Leaving Resources, tools. Quality Label, eTwinning Awards. What is the TwinSpace? Why should you use the Twinspace? How to use the TwinSpace Calendar Bulletin Board Communicate Mailbox Forum Folders Web page File archive Public Twinspace How to use Internet SMART Web 2.0 Students are there, but where are we? What is typical about Web 2.0. It makes us not consumers but producers. Video – youtube, google videos Sound – podcast Bookmarks – Del.icio.us, Blogroll Mindmapping – Mindomo, FreeMind Picture – Flickr, Picaza Text – Blogg, wiki, googledoc's Social networks – MySpace, Facebook, Ning, Iinkedin Why Google? "What's good about a search engine that brings me 324909188 hits. It says: "Good news! We have located what you are looking for. It is on the Earth." RSS What is RSS? What can I use this for? Let information com e to you instead of searching for information. Let their voices be heard Does school reflect the childrens outside world? Does school embrace web 2.0? Does school present an audience? Does school enable collaboration outside the school walls? Voices of the world – http://votw.wikispaces.com http://juniorschool.wikispaces.com - 8 random facts about themselves http://votw.wikispaces.com/etwin
The Twinspace is a virtual classroom
Sharon Tonner
Posted by Ingus at 10:52 0 comments
Labels: etwinning, europasamarbete, oslo, pdw
lördag, mars 01, 2008
Inte ska skolan vara kul?
På skolan vi är på har varje elev en egen dator. Enligt eleverna har det dock inte lett till att undervisningen blivit annorlunda. Huvudsakligen använder de datorn som skrivbok. De är inte ägare av datorn och har heller inga admin-rättigheter. Eleverna och lärarna är väldigt nöjda även om jag inte tycker det är så revolutionerande.
Posted by Ingus at 15:17 1 comments
Labels: etwinning, europasamarbete, oslo, pdw
PDW, Oslo, dag 2
ICT in Teaching and Learning Transforming the way we communicate, the way we learn… One of the reasons that teachers like interactive whiteboards is because they can keep the teaching practicing of the past putting in electricity… What is web 2.0? Google maps, putting in notes, pictures, facts Do students leanr more with ICT? Yes! … if we do it right … if we think differently Should we use it to do more of the same – just a little more efficiently? To use the computer as a type-writer Open assignments, problem solving, collaboration, communication, student production, authentic learning, whole school engagement A report about ICT impact in schools: http://life.eun.org/ww/en/pub/insight/misc/specialreports/impact_study.htm Students on trac… The students make information for the streetcars signs. Mostly about the local history.
Kjell Atle Halvorsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Pretty much the same - a lot more efficiently
New stuff - different learning- more fun!
Posted by Ingus at 10:51 0 comments
Labels: etwinning, europasamarbete, oslo, pdw