lördag, december 12, 2009

A lovely day

The water is on in the bath tub. We've been to the store buying Klädesholmens herring för Christmas and then watching the beautiful scenery at Blekets harbor. Now it's time to start the fire in the tub.

fredag, november 27, 2009

Penygroes school

Been to a marvelous school. They worked with ICT and focused on skills. They told us that their curriculum has changed the last couple of years, in their mind towards the better. It was wonderful to how confident the kids were, knowing what to do and that they could rely in their own skills and knowledge. They have interactive whiteboards in every classroom and computers where the kids could work and create. Really loved it!


We're close to the sea. This is an old castle probably from the 10th century. Glenn has not done his home work so that's why we don't know for sure.

torsdag, november 26, 2009

Doing some ICT work

Today we're at an old school, built in 1899. We are here for looking at the platform were the project will publish the work and were most of the communication will be.

onsdag, november 25, 2009

On board...

Sitting on the ryan air plane soon departing for Stansted. After that we're going to London and from there to Wales.

måndag, november 16, 2009

Blandade bilder från finland

lördag, november 07, 2009

Soon at home

Now there is only a short time left until I'm back home. So Sweden, here I come.

Finally there was snow

And now we are going home. Just left my Danish friends for check-in at Oulu airport. Gv has been a week full of impressions and I now dream in some strange language which is a mix of Danish, Finlands-svenska and english.


Today I have been to the international school of Oulo first and then we went to the culture centre of Oulo.

fredag, november 06, 2009

Zef evaluation

ZEF is an evaluation tool where you focus on the areas that is important and leave the areas that are unimportant. It is also used for threat analysis, strategy analysis, innovation management. It is important to work with the development and to use this tool for planning the future. The interesting thing is that how you use it is more important than the tool itself!

Your processes have to get visible! You also have to think about what you are going to do with the information you get. If you do that in forehand it will also change which kind of questions you will ask!

See more at: ZEF

tisdag, november 03, 2009

Why is the Finnish schools better than the Danish and Swedish ones?

Today when we were at Kaakkuri school we were discussing the school systems of the different countries (Sweden, Finland and Denmark. We tried to see if there was differences in the family patterns, but no, all three countries are dealing with families with different formations. Maybe we could see that the Finnisch families still relied a lot to school because of II WW, that has had a greater impact here in Finladn because of the great destruction of the country under the war. Education therefore was very important and still is. One of the things that strike me is that they seem to work more systematically than we do. So it´s not the content but the systematic in how you work and follow it up that differs.
Another thing is that the work that has to do with other things except teaching, like team work, is not a great part of a Finnish teachers job. When you teach higher grades, from 7th you mostly teach just one subject, could this have an impact?

One other thing we talked about was how many students that went on to upper secondary (gymnasiet)and how to encourage it. We really did not find any solution there. I mentioned that we have an interest in looking into, maybe in a Comenius Regio Project, how to help the students and the teachers to overcome the sometimes big step from lower Secondary to Upper Secondary School. Maybe we could build a project from this with Denmark and Finland.

måndag, november 02, 2009

The new flue is on in Oulo

In just one class there was 7 students absent because of the new flue. That made me a little worried but on the other hand I did my bad travelling last year, this year I will stay healthy!

In the afternoon today I was in Hiinta school. It was very interesting to see that a lot of things were the same as in Kaakkuri school even though the Hiinta school is built in the 50's.

I also had the opportunity to sit down with the people from the Comenius Project "Growing up together" that are going to the first visit in Wales in late November. It was very good to meet them and I really look forward to go to Wales.

Kaakuri school

This picture is from a computer lab. It's like a submarine almost. The headmaster said that it is sometimes called the Kursk... The school is amazing with a lot of air and lights. They have a lot of technic like document cameras and projectors. Now i'm on my way to Hiinta school.

söndag, november 01, 2009


On Oulos pub Leskinen

The trip to Oulo

Well a few things I'm thinking about from the trip here...

First I was sitting on the airport of Landvetter, and there I could go online with my computer and see ON the computer when there was boarding time... Just look at the Luftfartsverkets homepage if you're interested.

Another thought was, between those of us that went to Italy with KLM, the sandwiches are not getting better... this was a really small one...

when we were going to start with the plane they were playing music which I think was supposed to calm you down... but to me it was more like when they played that slow music at the Titanic... in Swedish it's called Närmare Gud till dig..a little bit too dramatic for me.

Another thought was that I'm not used to not go by charter when I fly... it is very quiet on an airplane a Sunday afternoon in Finland...

I'm wondering if you can go by train to Oulo and how far it is from Göteborg... Are there any trains in Finland?

And the last thought... it's very far north... I arrived at 17.25... and it was already dark!

Ok, going to the first meating...

In Oulo

Have arrived and waiting for my bag and transport

Travelling reading

What makes the results in Swedish schools... Could this be the proper reading for this trip? I will give it a try... Still half an hour before departure!

The fever is gone

Everything is packed and I'm ready to go, now I only have to wait for the time to go... in the meantime I will read a little about the Swedish school system I think. It is always a little bit hard to describe it in English but I've found a good text that I can use.

My daughter has had two girlfriends here this night (it's Halloween) and I think they have been awake all night so my sleep has been a little disturbed... I guess you all have experienced tired girls together... giggeling... for hours...

lördag, oktober 31, 2009

Resfeber... Travelling fever...

Can show in many ways, but this is not a good one. Tomorrow at noon I'm leaving with Finnair for Oulo. And now I have a rising fever. I'll try to finish my packing in a hurry and then put myself to a good nights sleep. I sure hope I feel better in the morning...

fredag, oktober 16, 2009

Snart klart

Här ska badkaret stå. Idag kopplar de in det, handfatet och duschen. De sätter även upp alla skåpen. Sen är det bara elektrikern som behöver komma för att koppla in all elen. Jippie!

måndag, oktober 12, 2009

Solblekta segel...

... på sjön Aspen. Ja bilden är kanske inte så bra, men de vita prickarna är i varje fall segel på en massa småbåtar. Härligt att se så här sent på säsongen. Sitter på tåget på väg till Västerås. Ska vara på en nätverksträff för PBS. Problembaserad Skolutveckling, tisdag och onsdag. Sitter just nu och svarar på mail om på tåget.

Bilden klarnar...

... tror vi i varje fall.

fredag, oktober 09, 2009

Funkade inte att lägga till text i efterhand...

... på bloggen, knepigt! Nåja lägger den här i ett eget inlägg istället. Hör alltså till den förra bilden ;-)

Nu äntligen är kaklet på G. två väggar klara och förhoppningsvis tar de de två nästa idag. Det ser snyggt ut med det svarta och jag hoppas det blir lika bra på de andra väggarna. Åh, vad jag längtar efter att det ska bli färdigt!Det är lite trångt på morgnarna i det lilla badrum vi har på bottenvåningen. 4 personer som ska iväg samtidigt gör att vi krockar mest hela tiden.
Avslutningskvällen med Nebraskalärarna igår var toppenbra! Vädret kunde varit bättre, men å andra sidan så fick de se hur dramatiskt det kan vara att bo vid svenska västkusten - blåst, hagel och åska på en gång. Det blev inget av promenaden över Hönö utan istället tog vi bil fram och tillbaka. Väl där ute såg vi Vinga fyr blänka i natten, magnifikt! En av lärarna från Omaha berättade att i Nebraska finns det bara fyrar som prydnad, hon hade aldrig sett en som verkligen används. Hon hade heller aldrig åkt bilfärja, det hade hon bara sett på film!

Kakel på G

torsdag, oktober 08, 2009

Planerar för inställning systemet

Inte helt lätt har vi konstaterat. Så för att förstå skillnaden mellan användargrupper, aktivitetsgrupper, aktiviteter och rättigheter var det dags för blädderblock och post-it-lappar igen... Är inte helt säker på att jag förstått nu heller men någonting har klarnat. Kanske är det himlen? Ska strax byta fokus och ge mig av mot Hönö för umgänge med lärare från Sverige och Nebraska, USA.

tisdag, oktober 06, 2009


Nytt ställ inhandlat. Just nu står badkaret fortfarande i vardagsrummet så mysfaktorn är inte jättehög, men i morgon börjar de kakla!

lördag, oktober 03, 2009

Det börjar närma sig.

Fönstren är på plats, värme-slingorna ligger klara i golvet. Dörrkarm och ny dörr är fixad. Golvet är spacklat. Det är primat och gummerat, så till veckan är det dags för klinker och kakel. Snart, snart är det dags för första badet!

måndag, september 21, 2009

The airport...

... of Skiathos is very small, so if it's raining the planes can't go down. But today the weather is perfect. Not so good that you would rather have been on the beach, and not to bad for the planes. I have had a really good time here, but I sure miss my bed.

söndag, september 20, 2009

Last night

In Greece. We're back at Skiathos. Been swimming at the beach, and now we're at a lovely restaurant down by the harbor. There is even a fire burning, and I'm sitting with my back to it. Marvellous! Tomorrow we're going home... :(

Early morning

Last day at sea. Woke up early from the horn from the ferry. Five boats, with us included, had to move. Since we already were up, we went out to sea. Now, an hour later, the sun came up. Beautiful! I'm a little bit tired because there was a lot of wind, thunder and lightning in the middle of the night. Not as much as the first night though, when the sky was so lit up that it felt like a big lamp was on. Now its all calm.

We're followed

... by the british. Tonight we're at a lovely small port with lots of tavernas. We are soon going out for dinner. At our side we have a boat from... England... And three boats away on the right side there is another british boat... We are wondering about the british sailing flags. The one we saw yesterday, wich by the way came in here an hour after us, has a blue flag with the british one in the corner and a crown on it. The one on the right is red with the british in the corner. The one to our left is an ordinary English flag. Anyone who can bring order to it?

fredag, september 18, 2009

My house

This will be my house for the older days. The water is full of fish and at night the dolphins come for food. There are lots of animals at the island. Mules, goats, roosters, donkies, lambs all of them walking free.


The sun is up, the wind is good. We left the british boat alone and went out to sea. Only three days left... I don't want to go home...

Britain is here!

Today we're at Nissos in the Nothern sporades. We have surprisingly been swimming... ;) Beside us there is a British sailing ship with a crown on there flag. Anyone that know who they are? The ships name is Margaret Ann.

torsdag, september 17, 2009


Woke up from the sound of a boat. I went right out and into the sea! The sun is soon coming up above the mountains. Two roosters is now waking up the rest of the family.

onsdag, september 16, 2009


There's a lot of fish in the water. Lovely!

The port of Alonnisos

Been swimming. The water is fantastic. Soon we are going to sail away to next place. This time we will not go to a port. We will stay out in the sea, close to one of the islands. Then we can dive in to the water directly from the boat!

The view

From the mountain of Allonisos. Today, Tuesday, the weather has been marvelous. We've been swimming a lot, and went up to the top of the island.

tisdag, september 15, 2009

Swedish candy

There is no lack of candy on this trip. This night there was the worst and most beautiful thunderstorm I have ever seen, and I think all the water in the world fell over us. Now the warmth is coming back and we've been swimming. Time for breakfast! P.S. Daughter says hello to her friends.

måndag, september 14, 2009

In Greece

Arrived in Greece. The ride with the taxi took about 5 minutes. A pair of Norwegians were declared idiots because they wanted a taxi for themselves... Here they would'nt in before the car was full... The kids are looking for the boat!

On the airport

Soon boarding. Let's hope that it's not raining in Skiathos because then the plane can't go down due to the short runway.

söndag, september 13, 2009

Mamma Mia!

Everything is packed and ready. Now we are going to watch Mamma Mia to get the right feeling... The taxi will get here at 4.45 in the morning...

lördag, september 12, 2009


Bathing suits, books, games...

lördag, september 05, 2009


... Ur båten. Nu är säsongen över och den avslutas med strålande sol och 17 grader i vattnet. Man kanske skulle ta ett dopp?


Nu har all inredning kommit. Här är handfatet. Lite kass bild, för just nu står det i klädkammaren. Det är vitt inuti med en svart kant ovanför bänkskivan och har en djup svart låda under. Det blir sååå snyggt!

tisdag, september 01, 2009


En till spotlights, en till taklamporna med dimmer och en till värmegolvet...

onsdag, augusti 26, 2009

Klinkers och kakel ihop.

På golvet svart, matt lite ojämnt. På väggen mestadels matt vitt, som till höger, men på fyra ställen en rad med avlånga matt svarta plattor.